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Compare Isle of Man (2008) - World (2003)

Compare Isle of Man (2008) z World (2003)

 Isle of Man (2008)World (2003)
 Isle of ManWorld
Administrative divisions none; there are no first-order administrative divisions as defined by the US Government, but there are 24 local authorities each with its own elections 268 nations, dependent areas, other, and miscellaneous entries
Age structure 0-14 years: 17.1% (male 6,645/female 6,330)

15-64 years: 65.8% (male 25,085/female 24,840)

65 years and over: 17.1% (male 5,232/female 7,699) (2007 est.)
0-14 years: 29.2% (male 932,581,592; female 885,688,851)

15-64 years: 63.7% (male 2,009,997,089; female 1,964,938,201)

65 years and over: 7.1% (male 193,549,180; female 247,067,032) (2003 est.)

note: some countries do not maintain age structure information, thus a slight discrepancy exists between the total world population and the total for world age structure
Agriculture - products cereals, vegetables; cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry -
Airports 1 (2007) -
Airports - with paved runways total: 1

1,524 to 2,437 m: 1 (2007)
Area total: 572 sq km

land: 572 sq km

water: 0 sq km
total: 510.072 million sq km

land: 148.94 million sq km

water: 361.132 million sq km

note: 70.8% of the world's surface is water, 29.2% is land
Area - comparative slightly more than three times the size of Washington, DC land area about 16 times the size of the US
Background Part of the Norwegian Kingdom of the Hebrides until the 13th century when it was ceded to Scotland, the isle came under the British crown in 1765. Current concerns include reviving the almost extinct Manx Gaelic language. Isle of Man is a British crown dependency, but is not part of the UK. However, the UK Government remains constitutionally responsible for its defense and international representation. Globally, the 20th century was marked by: (a) two devastating world wars; (b) the Great Depression of the 1930s; (c) the end of vast colonial empires; (d) rapid advances in science and technology, from the first airplane flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina (US) to the landing on the moon; (e) the Cold War between the Western alliance and the Warsaw Pact nations; (f) a sharp rise in living standards in North America, Europe, and Japan; (g) increased concerns about the environment, including loss of forests, shortages of energy and water, the decline in biological diversity, and air pollution; (h) the onset of the AIDS epidemic; and (i) the ultimate emergence of the US as the only world superpower. The planet's population continues to explode: from 1 billion in 1820, to 2 billion in 1930, 3 billion in 1960, 4 billion in 1974, 5 billion in 1988, and 6 billion in 2000. For the 21st century, the continued exponential growth in science and technology raises both hopes (e.g., advances in medicine) and fears (e.g., development of even more lethal weapons of war).
Birth rate 10.96 births/1,000 population (2007 est.) 20.43 births/1,000 population (2003 est.)
Budget revenues: $965 million

expenditures: $943 million (FY05/06 est.)
Capital name: Douglas

geographic coordinates: 54 09 N, 4 29 W

time difference: UTC 0 (five hours ahead of Washington, DC during Standard Time)

daylight saving time: +1hr, begins last Sunday in March; ends last Sunday in October
Climate temperate; cool summers and mild winters; overcast about one-third of the time two large areas of polar climates separated by two rather narrow temperate zones form a wide equatorial band of tropical to subtropical climates
Coastline 160 km 356,000 km
Constitution unwritten; note - The Isle of Man Constitution Act of 1961 does not embody the unwritten Manx Constitution -
Country name conventional long form: none

conventional short form: Isle of Man

abbreviation: I.O.M.
Death rate 11.1 deaths/1,000 population (2007 est.) 8.83 deaths/1,000 population (2003 est.)
Debt - external $NA $2 trillion for less developed countries (2002 est.)
Dependency status British crown dependency -
Diplomatic representation from the US none (British crown dependency) -
Diplomatic representation in the US none (British crown dependency) -
Disputes - international none Globally, there are over 250,000 km of international land boundaries that separate the world's 192 independent states, along with 70 dependencies, areas of special sovereignty, and other miscellaneous entities. Maritime states have claimed limits and have so far established over 130 maritime boundaries and joint development zones to allocate ocean resources and to provide for their national security at sea. On land, ethnicity, culture, race, religion, and language have divided states into separate political entities as much as history, physical terrain, political fiat, or conquest, resulting in sometimes arbitrary and imposed boundaries. All of these factors have contributed to a wide array of boundary, borderland, and territorial disagreements that vary in intensity from unresolved or dormant to outright war. Territorial disputes may evolve from historical and/or cultural animosities, or they may be brought on by resource competition. Ethnic clashes continue to be responsible for territorial fragmentation around the world. Undemarcated, indefinite, porous, and unmanaged boundaries encourage illegal cross-border activities, uncontrolled migration, and political confrontation over boundary allocations. Other sources of contention include the use of water and mineral (especially petroleum) resources, fisheries, dams, and nuclear power plants. Many islands or island groups are also disputed, including those at sea and in streams. Nonetheless, many nations are actively cooperating to clarify, delineate, and demarcate their international borders. The tragic aspect of international discord is the impact on the sustenance and welfare of populations caught in the conflict. It is frequently left to members of the world community to cope with enormous refugee situations, and the resultant hunger, disease, and impoverishment that they create.
Economic aid - recipient $NA official development assistance (ODA) $50 billion
Economy - overview Offshore banking, manufacturing, and tourism are key sectors of the economy. The government offers incentives to high-technology companies and financial institutions to locate on the island; this has paid off in expanding employment opportunities in high-income industries. As a result, agriculture and fishing, once the mainstays of the economy, have declined in their shares of GDP. The Isle of Man also attracts online gambling sites and the film industry. Trade is mostly with the UK. The Isle of Man enjoys free access to EU markets. Growth in global output (gross world product, GWP) fell from 4.8% in 2000 to 2.2% in 2001 and 2.7% in 2002. The causes: sluggishness in the US economy (21% of GWP) and in the 15 EU economies (19% of GWP); continued stagnation in the Japanese economy (7.2% of GWP); and spillover effects in the less developed regions of the world. China, the second-largest economy in the world (12% of GWP), proved an exception, continuing its rapid annual growth, officially announced as 8% but estimated by many observers as perhaps two percentage points lower. Russia (2.6% of GWP), with 4% growth, continued to make uneven progress, its GDP per capita still only one-third that of the leading industrial nations. The other 14 successor nations of the USSR and the other old Warsaw Pact nations again experienced widely divergent growth rates; the three Baltic nations continued as strong performers, in the 5% range of growth. The developing nations also varied in their growth results, with many countries facing population increases that erode gains in output. Externally, the nation-state, as a bedrock economic-political institution, is steadily losing control over international flows of people, goods, funds, and technology. Internally, the central government often finds its control over resources slipping as separatist regional movements - typically based on ethnicity - gain momentum, e.g., in many of the successor states of the former Soviet Union, in the former Yugoslavia, in India, in Indonesia, and in Canada. Externally, the central government is losing decision-making powers to international bodies. In Western Europe, governments face the difficult political problem of channeling resources away from welfare programs in order to increase investment and strengthen incentives to seek employment. The addition of 80 million people each year to an already overcrowded globe is exacerbating the problems of pollution, desertification, underemployment, epidemics, and famine. Because of their own internal problems and priorities, the industrialized countries devote insufficient resources to deal effectively with the poorer areas of the world, which, at least from the economic point of view, are becoming further marginalized. The introduction of the euro as the common currency of much of Western Europe in January 1999, while paving the way for an integrated economic powerhouse, poses economic risks because of varying levels of income and cultural and political differences among the participating nations. The terrorist attacks on the US on 11 September 2001 accentuate a further growing risk to global prosperity, illustrated, for example, by the reallocation of resources away from investment to anti-terrorist programs. The opening of war in March 2003 between a US-led coalition and Iraq added new uncertainties to global economic prospects. (For specific economic developments in each country of the world in 2002, see the individual country entries.)
Electricity - consumption - 13.93 trillion kWh (2001 est.)
Electricity - production - 14.85 trillion kWh (2001 est.)
Electricity - production by source - fossil fuel: NA%

hydro: NA%

nuclear: NA%

other: NA%
Elevation extremes lowest point: Irish Sea 0 m

highest point: Snaefell 621 m
lowest point: Bentley Subglacial Trench -2,540 m

note: in the oceanic realm, Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench is the lowest point, lying -10,924 m below the surface of the Pacific Ocean

highest point: Mount Everest 8,850 m (1999 est.)
Environment - current issues waste disposal (both household and industrial); transboundary air pollution large areas subject to overpopulation, industrial disasters, pollution (air, water, acid rain, toxic substances), loss of vegetation (overgrazing, deforestation, desertification), loss of wildlife, soil degradation, soil depletion, erosion
Ethnic groups Manx (Norse-Celtic descent), Britons -
Exchange rates Manx pounds per US dollar - 0.4993 (2007), 0.5418 (2006), 0.5493 (2005), 0.5462 (2004), 0.6125 (2003)

note: the Manx pound is at par with the British pound
Executive branch chief of state: Lord of Mann Queen ELIZABETH II (since 6 February 1952); represented by Lieutenant Governor Sir Paul K. HADDACKS (since 17 October 2005)

head of government: Chief Minister Tony BROWN (since 14 December 2006)

cabinet: Council of Ministers

elections: the monarch is hereditary; lieutenant governor appointed by the monarch for a five-year term; the chief minister is elected by the Tynwald; election last held 14 December 2006 (next to be held in December 2008)

election results: House of Keys speaker Tony BROWN elected chief minister by the Tynwald
Exports $NA 703.9 billion cu m (2001 est.)
Exports - commodities tweeds, herring, processed shellfish, beef, lamb the whole range of industrial and agricultural goods and services
Exports - partners UK (2006) US 17.4%, Germany 7.6%, UK 5.4%, France 5.1%, Japan 4.8%, China 4% (2002)
Fiscal year 1 April - 31 March -
Flag description red with the Three Legs of Man emblem (Trinacria), in the center; the three legs are joined at the thigh and bent at the knee; in order to have the toes pointing clockwise on both sides of the flag, a two-sided emblem is used -
GDP - GWP (gross world product) - purchasing power parity - $49 trillion (2002 est.)
GDP - composition by sector agriculture: 1%

industry: 13%

services: 86% (2000 est.)
agriculture: 4%

industry: 32%

services: 64% (2002 est.)
GDP - per capita - purchasing power parity - $7,900 (2002 est.)
GDP - real growth rate 5.2% (2005) 2.7% (2001 est.)
Geographic coordinates 54 15 N, 4 30 W -
Geography - note one small islet, the Calf of Man, lies to the southwest, and is a bird sanctuary the world is now thought to be about 4.55 billion years old, just about one-third of the 13-billion-year age estimated for the universe
Highways - total: NA km

paved: NA km

unpaved: NA km
Household income or consumption by percentage share lowest 10%: NA%

highest 10%: NA%
lowest 10%: NA%

highest 10%: NA%
Illicit drugs - cocaine: worldwide, coca is grown on an estimated 205,450 hectares - almost exclusively in South America with 70% in Colombia; potential cocaine production during 2002 is estimated at 938 metric tons (or 1,200 metric tons of export quality cocaine at an average of 78% purity); coca eradication programs continue in Bolivia, Colombia, and Peru, and 292 metric tons of export quality cocaine are documented to have been seized in 2002; consumption of export quality cocaine is estimated to have been 875 metric tons

opiates: cultivation of opium poppy occurred on an estimated 141,213 hectares in 2002 and potentially produced 2,183 metric tons of opium - which conceivably could be converted to the equivalent of 238 metric tons of pure heroin; opium eradication programs have been undertaken in Afghanistan, Burma, Colombia, Mexico, Pakistan, Thailand, and Vietnam, and the annual average for opiates seized worldwide over the past five years (1998-2002) has been 45 metric tons of pure heroin equivalent; estimates for average annual consumption over this time period are 315 metric tons pure heroin equivalent
Imports $NA 697.5 billion cu m (2001 est.)
Imports - commodities timber, fertilizers, fish the whole range of industrial and agricultural goods and services
Imports - partners UK (2006) US 11.2%, Germany 9.2%, China 7%, Japan 6.8%, France 4.7%, UK 4% (2002)
Independence none (British crown dependency) -
Industrial production growth rate 3.2% (FY96/97) 3% (2002 est.)
Industries financial services, light manufacturing, tourism dominated by the onrush of technology, especially in computers, robotics, telecommunications, and medicines and medical equipment; most of these advances take place in OECD nations; only a small portion of non-OECD countries have succeeded in rapidly adjusting to these technological forces; the accelerated development of new industrial (and agricultural) technology is complicating already grim environmental problems
Infant mortality rate total: 5.72 deaths/1,000 live births

male: 6.67 deaths/1,000 live births

female: 4.72 deaths/1,000 live births (2007 est.)
total: 51.38 deaths/1,000 live births

male: 53.81 deaths/1,000 live births

female: 48.83 deaths/1,000 live births (2003 est.)
Inflation rate (consumer prices) 3.1% (December 2006 est.) developed countries 1% to 4% typically; developing countries 5% to 60% typically; national inflation rates vary widely in individual cases, from declining prices in Japan to hyperinflation in several Third World countries
International organization participation UPU -
Internet Service Providers (ISPs) - 10,350 (2000 est.)
Irrigated land 0 sq km 2,714,320 sq km (1998 est.)
Judicial branch High Court of Justice (justices are appointed by the Lord Chancellor of England on the nomination of the lieutenant governor) -
Labor force 39,690 (2001) NA
Labor force - by occupation agriculture, forestry, and fishing 3%, manufacturing 11%, construction 10%, transport and communication 8%, wholesale and retail distribution 11%, professional and scientific services 18%, public administration 6%, banking and finance 18%, tourism 2%, entertainment and catering 3%, miscellaneous services 10% (2001) agriculture NA%, industry NA%, services NA%
Land boundaries 0 km the land boundaries in the world total 250,472 km (not counting shared boundaries twice)
Land use arable land: 9%

permanent crops: 0%

other: 91% (permanent pastures, forests, mountain, and heathland) (2002)
arable land: 10.58%

permanent crops: 1%

other: 88.42% (1998 est.)
Languages English, Manx Gaelic Chinese, Mandarin 14.37%, Hindi 6.02%, English 5.61%, Spanish 5.59%, Bengali 3.4%, Portuguese 2.63%, Russian 2.75%, Japanese 2.06%, German, Standard 1.64%, Korean 1.28%, French 1.27% (2000 est.)

note: percents are for "first language" speakers only
Legal system the laws of the UK, where applicable, apply and Manx statutes all members of the UN plus Switzerland are parties to the statute that established the International Court of Justice (ICJ) or World Court
Legislative branch bicameral Tynwald consists of the Legislative Council (11 seats; members composed of the President of Tynwald, the Lord Bishop of Sodor and Man, a nonvoting attorney general, and 8 others named by the House of Keys) and the House of Keys (24 seats; members are elected by popular vote to serve five-year terms)

elections: House of Keys - last held 23 November 2006 (next to be held in November 2011)

election results: House of Keys - percent of vote by party - NA; seats by party - Liberal Vannin Party 2, Man Labor Party 1, independents 21
Life expectancy at birth total population: 78.64 years

male: 75.3 years

female: 82.17 years (2007 est.)
total population: 63.95 years

male: 62 years

female: 70.23 years (2003 est.)
Literacy definition: NA

total population: NA%

male: NA%

female: NA%
definition: age 15 and over can read and write

total population: 77%

male: 83%

female: 71% (1995 est.)
Location Western Europe, island in the Irish Sea, between Great Britain and Ireland -
Map references Europe Physical Map of the World, Political Map of the World, Standard Time Zones of the World
Maritime claims territorial sea: 12 nm

exclusive fishing zone: 12 nm
a variety of situations exist, but in general, most countries make the following claims: contiguous zone - 24 NM; continental shelf - 200-m depth or to the depth of exploitation, or 200 NM or to the edge of the continental margin; exclusive fishing zone - 200 NM; exclusive economic zone - 200 NM; territorial sea - 12 NM; boundary situations with neighboring states prevent many countries from extending their fishing or economic zones to a full 200 NM; 43 nations and other areas that are landlocked include Afghanistan, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Czech Republic, Ethiopia, Holy See (Vatican City), Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lesotho, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malawi, Mali, Moldova, Mongolia, Nepal, Niger, Paraguay, Rwanda, San Marino, Slovakia, Swaziland, Switzerland, Tajikistan, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Uzbekistan, West Bank, Zambia, Zimbabwe; two of these, Liechtenstein and Uzbekistan, are doubly landlocked
Merchant marine total: 297 ships (1000 GRT or over) 8,377,775 GRT/13,890,881 DWT

by type: bulk carrier 33, cargo 65, chemical tanker 54, combination ore/oil 1, container 17, liquefied gas 34, passenger/cargo 1, petroleum tanker 74, refrigerated cargo 5, roll on/roll off 8, vehicle carrier 5

foreign-owned: 210 (Cyprus 4, Denmark 41, France 2, Germany 61, Greece 48, Ireland 1, Italy 1, Japan 4, Monaco 3, Netherlands 1, Norway 33, Singapore 2, Sweden 3, Turkey 2, US 4) (2007)
Military - note defense is the responsibility of the UK -
Military expenditures - dollar figure - aggregate real expenditure on arms worldwide in 1999 remained at approximately the 1998 level, about three-quarters of a trillion dollars (1999 est.)
Military expenditures - percent of GDP - roughly 2% of gross world product (1999 est.)
National holiday Tynwald Day, 5 July -
Nationality noun: Manxman (men), Manxwoman (women)

adjective: Manx
Natural hazards NA large areas subject to severe weather (tropical cyclones), natural disasters (earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions)
Natural resources none the rapid depletion of nonrenewable mineral resources, the depletion of forest areas and wetlands, the extinction of animal and plant species, and the deterioration in air and water quality (especially in Eastern Europe, the former USSR, and China) pose serious long-term problems that governments and peoples are only beginning to address
Net migration rate 5.27 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2007 est.) -
Political parties and leaders Alliance for Progressive Government; Liberal Vannin Party [Peter KARRAN]; Man Labor Party; Man Nationalist Party (Mec Vannin) [Bernard MOFFATT]

note: most members sit as independents
Political pressure groups and leaders none -
Population 75,831 (July 2007 est.) 6,302,309,691 (July 2003 est.)
Population below poverty line NA% -
Population growth rate 0.513% (2007 est.) 1.17% (2003 est.)
Ports and harbors - Chiba, Houston, Kawasaki, Kobe, Marseille, Mina' al Ahmadi (Kuwait), New Orleans, New York, Rotterdam, Yokohama
Radio broadcast stations AM 1, FM 1, shortwave 0 (1998) AM NA, FM NA, shortwave NA
Railways total: 65 km

standard gauge: 7 km 1.067-m gauge (7 km electrified)

narrow gauge: 58 km 0.914-m gauge (29 km electrified)

note: primarily summer tourist attractions (2006)
total: 1,122,650 km includes about 190,000 to 195,000 km of electrified routes of which 147,760 km are in Europe, 24,509 km in the Far East, 11,050 km in Africa, 4,223 km in South America, and 4,160 km in North America; note - fastest speed in daily service is 300 km/hr attained by France's Societe Nationale des Chemins-de-Fer Francais (SNCF) Le Train a Grande Vitesse (TGV) - Atlantique line

broad gauge: 251,153 km

standard gauge: 710,754 km

narrow gauge: 239,430 km
Religions Anglican, Roman Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Society of Friends Christians 32.79% (of which Roman Catholics 17.33%, Protestants 5.62%, Orthodox 3.51%, Anglicans 1.31%), Muslims 19.6%, Hindus 13.31%, Buddhists 5.88%, Sikhs 0.38%, Jews 0.24%, other religions 12.83%, non-religious 12.53%, atheists 2.44% (2001 est.)
Sex ratio at birth: 1.05 male(s)/female

under 15 years: 1.05 male(s)/female

15-64 years: 1.01 male(s)/female

65 years and over: 0.68 male(s)/female

total population: 0.951 male(s)/female (2007 est.)
at birth: 1.05 male(s)/female

under 15 years: 1.05 male(s)/female

15-64 years: 1.02 male(s)/female

65 years and over: 0.78 male(s)/female

total population: 1.01 male(s)/female (2003 est.)
Suffrage 16 years of age; universal -
Telephone system general assessment: NA

domestic: landline, telefax, mobile cellular telephone system

international: fiber-optic cable, microwave radio relay, satellite earth station, submarine cable
general assessment: NA

domestic: NA

international: NA
Telephones - main lines in use 51,000 (1999) NA
Telephones - mobile cellular - NA
Television broadcast stations 0 (receives broadcasts from the UK and satellite) (1999) NA
Terrain hills in north and south bisected by central valley the greatest ocean depth is the Mariana Trench at 10,924 m in the Pacific Ocean
Total fertility rate 1.65 children born/woman (2007 est.) 2.65 children born/woman (2003 est.)
Unemployment rate 1.5% (December 2006 est.) 30% combined unemployment and underemployment in many non-industrialized countries; developed countries typically 4%-12% unemployment
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